12 years ago in July 2004, saw the birth of Prayer Centres around the Country. Mostly, these are Local Churches who heeded a call to come back to Prayer and the self-same Churches made Day and Night prayer their priority. Today there are more than 12,000 (and counting) Prayer Centres in South Africa. It is written, ‘My house shall become a House of Prayer’. Local churches are becoming more and more relevant to that statement. Others are ‘community watches’ drawing believers together from different churches, clinics and Police Stations to pray for their local areas.

Apart from the fact that we will share testimonies of what God is doing in our Country, this will also be an opportunity to discuss some of the hindrances in the mobilising of Day and Night Prayer, how to establish different Prayer Centres in different communities, why it is important to pray, etc.

This conference is your opportunity to hear what God is doing through this movement, and how it can impact your community!

The focus at the conference will be an undertaking of practical prayer and waiting upon God. We will also, in brief, deal with matters of How to start and sustain Day and Night Prayer in a Local Church, Market Place, Community and at Schools. How to start and sustain Children’s Ministry (majoring on teaching children how to pray); there will be a time slot pertaining to Christmas Gifts to every needy child this year and years to come, how to get involved; There will also be plenary sessions.

The full programme will be sent to applicants upon enquiry and as per registration.

Who will benefit from this conference?

Church Leaders / Pastors, Regional Prayer Co-ordinators, Church Prayer Co-ordinators, Prayer Watch Co-ordinators, Children’s Workers and others that are interested in establishing Day and Night Prayer as well as Children’s Ministry.

Venue: Maranatha Revival Church, 1618 Extension 1, Orange Farm

Date: Friday 25 - Sunday 27 March 2016

Cost: R400 (30$ US) per person (including meals and accommodation)

Please Note: Accommodation will be in the houses of local believers. If B&B is preferred, this can be arranged for an extra charge.

Registration is open now. Early registrations effected on and before 12 March 2016 will receive a 10% discount and a surprise gift at the Conference Opening Day!!!

To Register:

1. Simply fill out the online form here

2. Make your payment of R400 (30$ US) per delegate:

Pay online, securely, using Paypal.

Enter the delegate's name and then click the 'Buy Now' button below:

Delegate's Name:


Make a manual or electronic payment to our bank account:

First National Bank: Vereeniging Branch (250337)
30 Voortrekker Street, Vereeniging. 1930. Gauteng Province. R.S.A.
Account No: 6211 8315 763
Account Name: Maranatha Missions Project.
Account Type: Cheque

Then send us evidence of payment by Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR Fax to +27 (0) 86-565-1984.

Contact Numbers

The Conference Admin Team can be contacted by phone as follows:

Palesa: +27 (0) 79-668-1290
Petronella: +27 (0) 72-652-6327

Terms of Booking:

Cancellation after 20 March 2016 will result in a cancellation fee of R400 ($30 US). You may however send someone in your place.


We would also appreciate any free will offering as the Lord leads you. The mentioned registration is the most affordable rate throughout the world. It is being done so that many will be able to attend and be blessed by the occasion itself as there will be various gifts in operation throughout the Conference.


Register Online Now


Download and Print Poster

Power of Prayer Conference 201411 years ago in July 2004, saw the birth of Prayer Centres around the Country.  Mostly, these are Local Churches who heeded a call to come back to Prayer and the self-same Churches made Day and Night prayer their priority.  Today there are more than 12,000 (and counting) Prayer Centres in South Africa.  It is written, ‘My house shall become a House of Prayer’. Local churches are becoming more and more relevant to that statement.  Others are ‘community watches’ drawing believers together from different churches, clinics and Police Stations to pray for their local areas.

Apart from the fact that we will share testimonies of what God is doing in our Country, this will also be an opportunity to discuss some of the hindrances in the mobilising of Day and Night Prayer, how to establish different Prayer Centres in different communities, why it is important to pray, etc.

Several positive changes shall be experienced in the forthcoming Conference. Prominent Churches in Cape Town are on board to make accommodation available to as many people as would come, and provide transportation in all directions. This conference is your opportunity to hear what God is doing through this movement, and how it can impact your community!

The focus at the conference will be an undertaking of practical prayer and waiting upon God. We will also, in brief, deal with matters of  How to start and sustain Day and Night Prayer in a Local Church, Market Place, Community and at Schools.  How to start and sustain Children’s Ministry (majoring on teaching children how to pray); there will be a time slot pertaining to Christmas Gifts to every needy child this year and years to come, how to get involved; There will also be plenary sessions.

The full programme will be sent to applicants upon enquiry and as per registration.

Who will benefit from this conference?

Church Leaders / Pastors, Regional Prayer Co-ordinators, Church Prayer Co-ordinators, Prayer Watch Co-ordinators, Children’s Workers and others that are interested in establishing Day and Night Prayer as well as Children’s Ministry.

Venue: BIG TENT, Corner NY6 and NY32, Gugulethu, Cape Town (R.S.A) Behind Shoprite Mall (MAP)

Date: 5-8 November 2015

R400 (30$ US) per person (including meals and accommodation)

Please Note: Accommodation will be in the houses of local believers. If B&B is preferred, this can be arranged for an extra charge.

Registration is open now. Early registrations effected on and before 15 October 2015 will receive a 10% discount and a surprise gift at the Conference Opening Day!!!

To Register:

1. Simply fill out the online form here 


Download and Print the Letter / Registration Form

then fax the completed form to us on +27 (0) 86-565-1984

2. Make your payment of R400 (30$ US) per delegate:

Pay online, securely, using Paypal. 

Enter the delegate's name and then click the 'Buy Now' button below:

Delegate's Name:


Make a manual or electronic payment to our bank account:

First National Bank: Vereeniging Branch (250337)
30 Voortrekker Street, Vereeniging. 1930. Gauteng Province. R.S.A.
Account No: 6211 8315 763
Account Name: Maranatha Missions Project.
Account Type: Cheque

Then send us evidence of payment by Email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR Fax to +27 (0) 86-565-1984.

Contact Numbers

The Conference Admin Team can be contacted by phone as follows:

Palesa: +27 (0) 79-668-1290
Petronella: +27 (0) 72-652-6327

Terms of Booking:

Cancellation after 24 October 2015 will result in a cancellation fee of R400 ($30 US). You may however send someone in your place.


We would also appreciate any free will offering as the Lord leads you. The mentioned registration is the most affordable rate throughout the world. It is being done so that many will be able to attend and be blessed by the occasion itself as there will be various gifts in operation throughout the Conference.


Register Online Now


Download and Print Poster

The Royal kids of South Africa are planning a trip to Chennai, India.  They will be departing on the 03 August 2015 for a Children in Prayer event where they will be taking part in various activities and performing during the plenary sessions.  10 children and 3 accompanying adults will be travelling, and will return on 10 August.

International Children Intercessors Conference 2015 will be the 11th year for this gathering. Over 1,000 children from different parts of India especially from families that are considered untouchables in India like the children of the lepors, prostitutes, gypsies, Dalits (lowest caste of the hierarchal system) and thrown away children will come together. International delegates from 15 nations will be present. During the four day event, there will be a time of interceding, worshiping and releasing the Father's heart over the children present, over nations, pastors, leaders, families and churches.

More info

Maranatha Revival Ministries has been very much active since a re-positioning and re-focusing of the church was instigated in the Spring of 2015.  
Bishop Peter said, 'Back in March 2015, I sensed that God was calling our church to be prepared for a new work.  With that came a big challenge, to each one of our church members, to be seriously committed to serving God and making him known in their daily lives - not just on a Sunday.  Each one of us from the children through to the seniors, each leader and staff member has been encouraged to re-assess their individual situation and their commitment, and to think about how they can best deploy their skills and giftings in our church.'  
'God is doing a new thing!, said Bishop, we are expecting great things as we look to see the church growing both in each person’s individual relationship with the Lord and through increased numbers, as we reach out and share the gospel with our neighbours.'
Starting in the month of August the main branch at Orange Farm will be holding two sessions each Sunday.  The morning session, which will start at 08: 00am till 10:15 and then the second session will start.
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Bishop Sekhonyane preached at the Moving Into Action conference in Pretoria on 4th July 2015.    His theme was 'Prayer in the context of Rebuilding', in his challenging and inspirational talk, Bishop spoke about how prayer is to be the foundation stone as we Rebuild the walls of Africa. When we pray, we should pray according to God's will and His mission.  
The MIA2015 event is 40-hours. From 07:00 Friday morning, 3 July, with exhibitors entering to setup the exhibits, until Saturday, 4 July, at 23:00, when exhibitors start to dismantle their exhibition stands. During this 40-hours a combination of activities will collectively influence the participants to a deeper understanding of God’s Mission, and opportunities through which one can partake in His Mission.   
Moving Into Action (MIA) is a platform supporting the movement of taking the Gospel call of Jesus North. MIA wants to make this task easier by connecting individuals, churches, and outreach groups with exciting ministries, organisations, churches and initiatives (Entities of Change) throughout southern and northern Africa. Through the MIA platform various opportunities exists which include, but are not limited to, outreach and mission exposure experiences, networking possibilities, and training opportunities.
In the run up to MIA2015, thousands of people took part in a 21 Days of Prayer 'One Day... 5 minutes to pray' initiative that was managed using social media channels.
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Prayer is to be the foundation stones as we Rebuild the walls of Africa (Bishop Peter Sekhonyane) #mia2015

Posted by MIA - Africa on Saturday, 4 July 2015

The youth of Maranatha Revival Ministries commemorated June 16 by marching in the streets of Vaal and Orange farm - preaching, praying and performing for the community.  
June 16 is entitled 'Youth Day', an annual commemoration of the Soweto Uprising, 1976, in which an estimated 176 (some estimate many more) young people lost their lives campaigning in response to the introduction of Afrikaans as the medium of instruction in local schools.  It is a bank holiday across South Africa.
More here