The sustainability aspect of the project aims to empower the Community through mentoring and training in a broad range of subjects and trades including basic computer literacy, dressmaking, cooking – baking, arts and craft, child development, adult education, bricklaying, plastering and entrepreneurship.
We also provide agricultural / food production training and training for specialised teachers for public school Remedial Courses.
The project supplies machinery and materialsand in some cases,pay for the trainee workers. It also funds Start-Up initiatives. More than 1200 vegetable hampers are distributed to widows, orphans, and other poor and needy folk each week.

The Maranatha Board of Directors (From left to right)
Emily M Sekhonyane, Sophie A Letsoara, Bongani P Maseko,
Abigail B Toodi and Maria J Phali
Vegetable Tents are provided for communities to use with a view to helping them to set up self-sustaining businesses.
Maranatha has introduced Christian Based Education to Crèches and Pre-Schools along with literacy classes for many socially deprived adults.
It also acts as a “charity wing” that aims to provide for the needs in the Communities served by providing warm meals and fresh bread for 7.000 children each weekday, and also by collecting shoe box gifts of school uniforms. The current year target is 20,000.
Maranatha has introduced Christian Based Education to Crèches and Pre-Schools along with literacy classes for many socially deprived adults.